Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Cowardly Tribble

Has anybody tried just walking up to these cowards and shouting "Boo!"?  Because they're that afraid of their own shadows.

Digby, on Rand Paul begging Harry Reid to protect him from the scary white boyz with funny names.
The principled libertarian Rand Paul wets his pants

For anyone who ever expects the allegedly principled libertarian Rand Paul to be anything more than an ephemeral civil liberties ally to be used for your own purposes and nothing else, here he is in all his glory, letting his little white slip show once again:


This is what "liberty" looks like to the poster boy for libertarian freedom. Funny, it looks very much like a standard issue, right wing, pants-wetting, panic artist to me. They all seem to believe that we will be so much freer if only we allow the authorities more "freedom" to decide who does and doesn't hate us for our "freedom" and make sure they don't get into our "free" country. Because that's totally doable.

Meanwhile, freedom loving Americans must be "free" to buy as many guns as they want, no matter the carnage gun violence causes. That's the American way. Because they're fighting tyranny. You know, like when the government uses "biometrics" to track people.

We have lost our bearings again (if we ever had them.) And sadly, I'm going to guess we've lost our chance at an immigration reform for the time being. Clearly, the Republican party has lost its nerve. And the Democrats never had much to begin with. I'm sure everyone's relieved.

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