Saturday, April 20, 2013

Take "Abortion on Demand" Back From the Freakazoids

I appreciate bspencer's point here about not accepting the anti-abortionist's framing of "abortion on demand" as what whores do for fun, but bspencer is wrong. 
How can "abortion on demand" mean anything but a woman's control over her body - all of her body, at all times? Full control means the right to demand an abortion the same way and for the same reason you would demand the removal of a gangrenous appendix or malfunctioning kidney. Because a non-viable embryo is body tissue, nothing more.

That freakazoids and woman-haters use the phrase to demonize women who dare to exercise control over their own bodies is no reason for the rest of us to run away from a phrase that clearly and concisely means exactly the opposite of what the crazies pretend it means.
The effective response is not to run away from a perfectly accurate phrase just because the conservatards pretend it means something else, but to grab it back from them and deliver a sharp smack to their nasty, thieving little claws.

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