Sunday, April 7, 2013

Support Courage - Back Bangladeshi Atheists

bangladesh_BFor all the abuse and discrimination American atheists have to endure from the freakazoids, we are not - yet - in danger of losing our freedom or our lives.  That is not the case in most of the rest of the world outside of Europe.

PZ Myers:
There is an Atheist Association of Bangladesh, which is amazing. The government of Bangladesh is cracking down: atheists are being arrested, and most horribly, Islamist mobs are rioting and murdering atheists (warning: very bloody images at that link). Some atheist blogs are participating in a blackout in protest.

Taslima Nasrin has just published a statement of support from Bengali atheists. John Sargeant has suggested that we bloggers include a scarlet B for the Bangladesh situation, which seems like literally the least we can do. (Oops, this was originally Hemant’s idea.)

I feel helpless in the face of this oppression, unable to do anything for people in a distant country who are being abused by their own government. The American Humanists have issued an action alert, a petition to ask the US ambassador to lodge a formal protest. Sign it!

1 comment:

  1. The only countries where you are safe to be an atheist, is in those countries that are or have been traditionally Christian. That is because Christianity inherently thrives and the freedom to decide.
