Saturday, April 13, 2013

State Confronts Freakazoids in Kentucky School System

Will the freakazoids of Breathitt County be the first to claim the right to break the law under Kentucky's new religious coercion law?

Jim Warren at the Herald:
The Breathitt County Public Schools' state-appointed manager has directed the district's schools to take down copies of the Ten Commandments after receiving a complaint from an organization that supports "non-religion."

Larry Hammond, named in December to run the troubled Breathitt County Schools, said Friday that he sent out the directive after receiving a letter from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation earlier in the week.

Copies of the Ten Commandments have been on display in "most rooms" at the high school and middle school and in "some elementary school rooms" in Breathitt County, according to a three-page letter from Patrick Elliott, staff attorney with the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

"We were also informed that the Ten Commandments are prominently placed in many areas, including the front office and conference rooms," the letter said.

Elliott said copies had been on display in the school system "for many years" in what he called a "flagrant violation" of the U.S. Constitution. The displays "must be removed immediately," he wrote.

Elliott said in an interview with the Herald-Leader that he wrote the letter after the Freedom From Religion Foundation recently received a complaint from a Breathitt County Schools student.
 The U.S. Supreme Court just a few years ago ruled against Kentucky public schools displaying the ten commandments, even as just one of several "historical" documents. The dozens of copies in Breathitt schools was a pretty blatant "fuck you" to the Court, the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

But now all the Talibangelicals have to do is claim that removing the ten commandments from the schools violates their religious freedom and ta-da! only freakazoids will have rights in Kentucky.

Read more here:

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