Saturday, April 13, 2013

Politics Abhors a Vacuum - and Will Fill It With Idiots

When liberal Democrats sit home waiting for someone else to fix their dysfunctional state Democratic party, this is what you get:
Did you think the race-baiting tweet PAC of amateurs at Progress Kentucky was done assisting the campaign of Sen. Mitch McConnell by making the dark lord of obstruction look almost like a sympathetic creature?

No. No, they are not done.

From the blockbuster story out (Thursday) by WFPL, a Democratic source says the PKY Wonder Twin geniuses of Curt Morrison and Shawn Reilly recorded the audio by standing outside the door in the hallway:


If the McConnell campaign was smart, they wouldn’t press charges. With those two in jail, the campaign would lose two of their greatest allies in the race so far, as they’ve helped McConnell’s cause more than any person outside of Rand Paul. Fortunately for Democrats, every single one in the state has distanced themselves from the amateurs and made it clear that they wouldn’t touch the toxic group with a 10-foot pole.

As for the McConnell campaign’s accusations of “wiretapping,” “bugging” and “Gestapo” tactics by “the Left,” those look really silly right now. But they will certainly do their best to continue portraying the incompetent Gang of Two as part of an alliance of important Democrats in D.C. and Kentucky, probably even the White House. That’s what they do. Let’s see if the media falls for it.
Morrison, at least, is even more of a moronic amateur than Sonka demonstrates.  Apparently Morrison's idea of exposing state government wrongdoing is to email a state agency at random, demand the spokesperson respond to an undocumented accusation regarding a different agency, then when the spokesperson directs him to the correct agency, threaten the spokesperson with vague retribution.

Reilly and Morrison aren't just giving massive assistance to McConnell's reelection campaign; they are making it impossible for any grassroots liberal movement in Kentucky to acquire or maintain credibility.

For the foreseeable future, any effort to inject progressive values into the conservadem establishment will be met by cries of "Another Progress Kentucky!" and strangled in the crib.

Well done, idiots.

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