Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pathetic: Mitchie-Poo Pays for YouTube Hits

As usual with repug chicanery, it's a toss-up as to whether Mitch is this stupid, or just thinks you are.

Steve Benen at Maddowblog:
On his best day, McConnell videos might get 1,000 views on YouTube. The Republican senator has an online presence -- Twitter followers, Facebook friends, etc. -- but it's quite limited.

And we're to believe a silly, two-minute campaign video generated over 1 million views in a day and a half? Including 400,000 views over the course of 16 minutes?

No. Bullpucky.

The questions for McConnell, then, are pretty straightforward: how many donor dollars were spent to inflate the video's reach and why does one of Congress' most powerful lawmakers feel the need to pretend his videos are more popular than they really are?
Maybe he's fishing for a Politico headline: "Great Republican Leader Sets Social Media Record."

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