Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mitchie-Poo and The Tribble-Toupeed Do Earth Day, Repug Style

A fertilizer plant?  Five days after one exploded, killed 12 people, injured 200 and flattened a town?  Really?

Why don't you just pour arsenic into Louisville's water supply?

James Bruggers at the Courier:
Kentucky’s two senators will observe Earth Day Monday by helping to open a $13 million sulfur fertilizer manufacturing facility at LG&E’s Mill Creek power plant, LG&E and KU Energy said Friday.
LG&E claims this plant is "green" because it supposedly turns waste from coal-burning electric plants into fertilizer, but it's just another iteration of the long-debunked "clean coal" myth.
Some may question taking coal-combustion byproducts that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering regulating like hazardous waste and turning them into a fertilizer for crops such as corn and wheat.
Like the bumper sticker says:  "Clean coal is like dry water."

SUL4R-PLUS soil amendment: the next best thing to sprinkling coal dust on your breakfast cereal.

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