Thursday, April 25, 2013

KY Dems Ignore 2014, Set Sights on 2015

Conway proved in 2010 by losing to the Tribble-Toupeed One that he's a terrible candidate, but he's not stupid enough to run against McConnell.

Joseph Gerth at the Courier:
Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway said Wednesday “there’s a good chance” he will run for governor in 2015 and that he won’t “defer to anybody” when making his decision.

“I think I have enough statewide experience that I could go and talk about state issues, issues that are concerns all across the state as well as look out for Louisville’s interests,” Conway, who is in his second term as attorney general, said in an interview Wednesday with The Courier-Journal’s editorial board.

Conway, 43, has said for some time that he is considering the race, but he edged ever closer in the one-hour interview Wednesday, which was live-streamed on the newspaper’s website.


He also again stated that he would not attempt a run against U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., next year.
Yawn. Here's the real question: Does "won't defer to anybody" mean he knows Crit Luallen is not running for governor, or that he's willing to challenge her in a primary?

I still think Luallen is not going to run for governor. But what if she declared for U.S. Senate? There's Giffords and maybe Bloomberg money lining up against Mitch now, and Luallen's a sight tougher than Ashley Judd.

Luallen vs. McConnell would be one for the history books.

But this would be one for the comic books.

1 comment:

  1. www.Marksberry2014.comApril 25, 2013 at 1:18 PM

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