Monday, April 29, 2013

Democratic Candidates Who Run On Democratic Values Win

Yes, Massachusetts is a blue state. But Kentucky's deplorable tendency to elect repugs to national office hides this salient fact:

The five of Kentucky's six congressional districts that are represented by repugs are still technically Democratic districts by registration. For the nth time: IT'S THE TURNOUT, STUPID.

So Elizabeth Warren is pleasing Democrats and independents through her outspoken economic populism, while marginalizing herself among Republicans. The end result is that her approval rating is double her disapproval.

Other Democrats can pull off the same trick. Other states are often more conservative than Massachusetts, of course, but it's not independents in Montana are any friendlier to hedge fund manager and other Wall St. types than independents on the eastern seaboard.

Elizabeth Warren is not just supporting good policy. She's channeling what Americans really feel. That's not just good policy; it's good politics. Unless you're a Democrat representing a majority Republican district, there's no reason not to do likewise. Any Democrat in a blue state or district falling short of the Elizabeth Warren standard is doing so because they want to, not because they have to.
Don't bother trying to explain this to Kentucky's repug "Democratic" Party. Talk to your neighbors. Go to your city council and fiscal court meetings and community events. That's where you'll find real Democratic voters who can be real Democratic candidates. Or maybe you'll find one staring back at you from the mirror.

Run on Democratic values and win.

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