Friday, April 26, 2013

Corporate Terrorism, April 17, 2013: 15 Dead, 200 Wounded, Hundreds Homeless

Why are this company's executives not in jail charged with 14 counts of felony homicide?
Because it's Texas, where Bidness Rulz and the rest of you are disposable.

Waco Tribune, on the terror captured in 911 calls:
Less than five minutes after the first explosion call, dispatchers also knew West’s own emergency resources were severely hampered.

“Listen to me, my ambulance station just completely exploded,” a West EMS supervisor can be heard saying on one call. “I’ve got a nursing home and an ambulance station and an air evac. I need as many ... trucks as you can send this way.”

“The roof completely collapsed on the building. I’m doing a walk through now. I think we got everybody out,” he said. “I don’t have radio communications, I have lost my repeater.”

The blast left the city with one functioning ambulance.

An EMT training class was in the building that evening. The trainees already had passed their practical exam, so they left the class to go help, said Dr. George Smith, West EMS’s medical director.

Four of the 18 in that class died. “Every one of them were friends of mine,” Smith saiid.
Waco Tribune, on the plant's secret explosives:
He said ammonium nitrate can become highly explosive at the temperatures that might be found in a building fire, and it would be dangerous for firefighters to attack it at close range.

“I think if they had known there was (ammonium nitrate) fertilizer there, the best protocol was to get away,” he said.

Several volunteer firefighters still are missing after the explosion.
Yeah, they're dead, along with an off-duty captain from a professional fire department in Dallas.
West Fertilizer Co. owner Don Adair and general manager Ted Uptmore of West did not return calls Thursday. They were not injured in the blast
Of course they weren't. Which is why we have the death penalty.

Waco Tribune, on the damage:
Only three of 157 homes in West that were in the zone closest to the explosion site have been deemed safe by building inspectors, West City Council members were told Thursday.
 This. Is. A. Crime. Not an accident. Not an incident. Not the price we pay for abundant food.

A Crime. For which the company executives who lied to federal and state regulators about the danger the plant posed and the Texas state executives like Gov. Rick Perry who gutted the state regulatory system should pay with their lives.

After they cough up every dime they've ever made.

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