Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Corporate Patriotism

If you have to pledge allegiance to the flag to prove your patriotism, you've already prove the opposite.

Patriots don't flaunt their devotion to country by public idolatry to a piece of cloth; they demonstrate their patriotism every day by paying taxes and supporting a fair tax system; obeying just laws and fighting unjust ones; and finding ways to serve their communities and their country.

But for someone who does none of those things, someone who avoids taxes and breaks the law and exploits her community and fellow citizens, someone like a corporate CEO or Wall Street banker, then maybe a pledge of allegiance to the flag is the bare minimum proof of responsible citizenship that you can ask of them.

And even that they refuse.

From Firedoglake:

“[T]hese big companies think patriotism toward the country where they were created and prospered is for chumps.” The author asked CEOs of the 20 largest US corporations if they’d pledge allegiance to the flag in front of their annual shareholders’ meetings. Only one replied; he declined.

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