Wednesday, April 17, 2013

AynRandPaul Runs Away After Fellow Repugs Call HIm Out

What a cowardly little bitch he is.

Steve Benen:

This continues to be a source of intra-party tension.
The Republican conflict came to the fore last week during a closed-door luncheon for Senate Republicans, when Senator Susan Collins, of Maine, eyes blazing, stood up and complained about a series of attack ads that she was facing back home from a gun-rights group with deep ties to Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky.
Ms. Collins, who faces re-election next year, said the gun ads were an example of the kind of internal Republican warfare that has hindered the party in Senate races the last two elections.... Her comments, according to several Republican aides, ignited a tense debate, similar to many the party has faced since its loss in the race for the White House last year. Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio, stood to say he had been raising money for Ms. Collins' re-election, only to watch her have to spend it to defend herself against the attack from the gun group, which has been directed at other members as well.
Ms. Collins warned her colleagues that if she loses a primary to a strong opponent with gun-rights credentials, it could well cost the party her seat.
For his part, Paul listened, then "stormed out."

I can almost hear him asking, "Why does everyone keep bothering me about my associations with the loony fringe?"

Ordinarily, senators who annoy their colleagues this much are hampered in their ability to be effective legislators -- no one wants to work with a senator they actively dislike -- but since Rand Paul isn't interested in passing laws anyway, the tensions will probably be inconsequential.

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