Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Clean Pig Farm

In rural Central Kentucky a few years ago, one asshole tried to force his neighbors to OK a zoning change that would allow him to develop the property inappropriately.

If they didn't go along, he threatened, he would open a pig farm on the property. The neighbors figured the "development" he had planned would ruin their country lifestyle almost as much as a pig farm anyway, so they refused. He carried out his threat.

"Pig farm" is a phrase to strike fear into the heart of any suburban property owner. The stench, especially of the giant industrialized pig confinement centers, is indescribably horrible.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

From Firedoglake:
clean (including antibiotics-free) pig farm, part of a cooperative, that is manageable, profitable and sustainable!
So annoying when the fucking hippies turn out to be right all the time.

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