Wednesday, March 6, 2013

When I Say "Forced Breeding," I Mean "Forced Breeding"

From Divine Irony:



He is aware he just confirmed that he believes in forcing women to bear children against their will, right?

Correct. They’re not even bothering to hide behind the fetal rights agenda anymore.

And when I say "Abortion on demand, free of charge, no questions asked, anywhere anytime for any reason, even sex selection," that's what I mean.

PZ Myers:

This may be an unpopular opinion, but if we’re going to be consistent and regard fetuses as undeserving of the rights of full adult humans, and if we’re going to respect the woman’s right to choose her own reproductive future, we can’t be in the business of telling women what good reasons they’re allowed to use. Elective abortions to select the sex of their child are perfectly reasonable, rational decisions. They should be allowed, and we shouldn’t be horrified if women elect to do them.

There is a problem that many people devalue girls so much that they could skew the sex ratio. But that’s a completely different issue — the institutionalizing of patriarchal values — and it isn’t addressed by dictating the choices women may make with their own bodies.

I also find it ironic that it is the same people who unthinkingly promote those patriarchal values who are horrified that they lead to women opting to abort more female fetuses. I’m not impressed that you insist on the right of girls to be brought to term so you can treat them as disposable once they reach reproductive age.

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