Sunday, March 24, 2013

What "Cutting Government Waste" Really Means

Thanks to the repug austerity hysterics/government haters who refuse to cancel the sequester, it's DIY air traffic control in Owensboro and Paducah.

Two western Kentucky airports will close their air traffic control facilities in April after the Federal Aviation Administration on Friday mandated the shutdowns because of budget cuts.
And it ain't ever coming back.

Brian Beutler at TPM:
In the same week Congress is expected to pass government funding legislation that effectively locks in sequestration until the end of September, an unexpected reality is dawning on Washington: as bad as sequestration is, and was intended to be, it’s not bad enough to do what it was designed to do.

That’s left Democrats resigned to malfunctioning and underfunded government in perpetuity, and Republicans confident they can weather the coming months and turn sequestration spending levels into a new normal.
 Wave bye-bye to all the government programs that make your life livable. This is only the beginning.

Read more here:

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