Saturday, March 30, 2013

WalMart: Not Just Greedy and Evil, Now Stupid and Self-Destructive

It appears there is a point at which even the most anti-worker corporate motherfuckers realize they need real employees, and WalMart has reached it.

From Bloomberg:
Wal-Mart is entangled in what Ton calls the “vicious cycle” of under-staffing. Too few workers leads to operational problems. Those problems lead to poor store sales, which lead to lower labor budgets.
“It requires a wake-up call at a higher level,” she said of the decision to hire more workers.

Falletta, the meat and dairy stocker in Erie, said his weekly hours are unpredictable. He would like to work a full 40 hours and sometimes gets only 25. Falletta and others interviewed for this story said management bonuses are based partly on minimizing store payroll.

According to Rochelle Jackson, who works at the jewelry counter at a store in Springfield, Missouri, a supervisor recently explained the number of hours available to schedule employees corresponds to sales performance: The worse the sales number, the fewer hours available.

“We’re not getting as many sales because there’s simply no one to help the customers throughout the stores,” said Jackson, 24, who has worked at two Wal-Mart stores since 2009. “I asked, ‘Why can’t we have enough hours to make the store work?’ They said, ‘It’s orders from Home Office,’” she said.

They're leaving for (evil) Target and (not evil) Costco, which are not stupid.

It's not just WalMart. Every extra minute you have to wait to be served or helped is caused by a greedy manager or owner refusing to hire enough staff to make the place work. In restaurants it's usually an attempt to avoid providing Obamacare, but elsewhere bosses consider workers to be expensive luxuries and customers sheep who will accept any level of inconvenience.

Show some wolf: next time you're inconvenienced by lack of staff, let the manager know you know what's going on and that you're taking your business someplace that shows it values customers enough to hire as many employees as it really needs.

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