Saturday, March 23, 2013

U.S. Banksters Worse Than Cyprus

 There really is just no category in which the U.S. too-big-to-fail whales are not the worst in the world.

Down with Tyranny:
The NY Times had the question of the day:
Would you have been better off leaving your money in a bank in the United States or in Cyprus over the last five years?

The answer: You would have been better off in Cyprus, even after the bailout, when your money was “confiscated.” If you had 100,000 euros in a Cypriot bank account over the last five years, where the interest rate has averaged about 5 percent, you would have about 127,600 euros today. Even after the bailout, which would require you to give up 10 percent of your deposit-- 12,760 euros-- you would be left with 114,840 euros. The American bank? The $100,000 you deposited at Bank of America five years ago is about $105,100, at the going rate of about 1 percent interest a year.

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