Thursday, March 7, 2013

Three Catastrophes; One Solution

And for once, the solution is cheaper and easier than the alternative.

David Atkins reviews this and concludes:
The great tragedy here is that we have three gigantic problems right now, each of them with the same simple solution. We have a climate problem, first and foremost. We have a global economic and unemployment problem, second. And we have a global terrorism (or imperialism, depending on your point of view) problem focused largely on oil producing states, third.

All of these problems have the same solution: a global effort to create jobs in renewable energy, conservation and climate adaptation technologies while transitioning away from fossil fuels.

The importance of this effort to the climate problem is obvious. The human race is quite literally going to go extinct if we don't solve this problem by mitigating the climate crisis and bringing emissions under control. The longer it takes us to solve this problem, the more in danger we are of civilization collapse unless we figure out significant adaptation solutions. And it may well be that, dangerous as it certainly is, we may be forced to attempt geo-engineering as well.
If you've given up trying to make the climate deniers see reason, “This Cheat Sheet Will Make You Win Every Climate Argument”.

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