Monday, March 4, 2013

Teabagger Tommie Massie Terrified of Women

Fourth District of Kentucky Democratic voters whose laziness and apathy last Nov. 4 got this motherfucker elected, I hope you're proud of yourselves.

Think Progress:
Nine Congressmen — all male Republicans — voted Wednesday against a resolution to allow the U.S. House to consider re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The vast majority of House Republicans (214) and all 200 House Democrats voted for rule, which will allow votes Thursday on the watered-down GOP version of the bill and (assuming that fails), the bipartisan Senate plan.

The nine Republicans were Representatives Paul Broun (GA), Scott Garrett (NJ), Louie Gohmert (TX), Tim Huelskamp (KS), Walter Jones (NC), Steve King (IA), Thomas Massie (KY), Tom McClintock (CA), and Matt Salmon (AZ).
Bad enough that he hates women so much he voted against the final bill.  But he's actually so terrified of the vagina-people he tried to stop the vote from happening.

He'd be pathetic if he weren't such a fucking embarassment.

Surprisingly, Tommie's BFF Candy Barr voted in favor of the final bill, as of course did Proud Liberal John Yarmuth. Your candy ass is getting primaried, Andy. The rest of Kentucky's repugs also voted no.

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