Monday, March 18, 2013

So Much for the Middle East's First "Democracy"

Anyone who visited the Middle East in the 1980s, as I did, could not help but notice the stark contrast. in Israel, a thriving modern democracy trying to work with the Palestinians; in surrounding nations, kleptocratic dictators suppressing impoverished majorities.

But that's not the Israel President Obama will visit on Wednesday.

From the Washington Monthly:
Israel’s Transportation Ministry announced the creation of “Palestinians only” bus lines from central Israel to the West Bank. Ministry spokespeople told Ynet that the decision is meant to alleviate “congestion felt on bus lines used by Jews in the same areas.” But while Palestinians won’t be forced to ride these lines, several bus drivers told Ynet that those “who choose to travel on the so-called “mixed” lines, will be asked to leave them.”

“’We are not allowed to refuse service and we will not order anyone to get off the bus, but from what we were told, starting next week, there will be checks at the checkpoint, and Palestinians will be asked to board their own buses,’” according to one bus driver.
And this:
Israel’s segregated bus lines have touched a nerve.”
Yes, Israelis have turned into world-class racist assholes.

Israel doesn't have to worry about the Arabs pushing them into the sea any more. It's destroying itself more effectively than its enemies ever could.

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