Thursday, March 21, 2013

Paying for Proselytizing

It's no coincidence that Kentucky is agreeing to crack down on unconstitutional proselytizing by freakazoids the same week that the governor is about to sign a bill allowing freakazoids to break state and federal law with impunity.

Peter Smith at the Courier:
Kentucky has agreed to clamp down on proselytizing of children placed by the state in religiously affiliated care facilities, as part of its tentative settlement of a long-running federal lawsuit.

The settlement, if approved by a federal judge, would end the portion of a lawsuit filed in 2000 that challenged state funding of the Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children, alleging that taxpayer dollars were being used to pay for religious indoctrination of children from troubled backgrounds placed in group homes.

State records released during the case found that children at the homes said in dozens of exit interviews that they were forced into Christian or specifically Baptist practices, or were discouraged from practicing their own religion.
Proselytizing is not something freakazoids do for fun. Evangelicals believe that the bible requires them to hound and harass everyone they meet into joining their Bronze Age cult. If they don't proselytize, evangelicals not only fail to "save" other souls, but condemn themselves to "eternal hellfire."

So the instant any freakazoid declares that her religion requires her to force abused and neglected children to join her cult, Kentucky officials - by law - will have to allow it. 

Yes, that's how they do it in Saudia Arabia.

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