Sunday, March 3, 2013

Occupy Still Alive, Still Kicking Ass

DS Wright at Firedoglake:
Occupy The SEC, one of Occupy Wall Street’s offshoots, has filed a lawsuit in hopes of forcing regulators to (finally) finalize the Volker Rule – a provision within the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. Three years later many of the rules that Congress punted to regulators in the law have not even been made let alone enforced.
Also from Firedoglake:
“In the first trial stemming from an Occupy Wall Street protest, Michael Premo was found innocent of all charges after his lawyers presented video evidence directly contradicting the version of events offered by police and prosecutors.”

Occupy Homes MN, Neighborhoods Organizing for Change and others gathered for a 200-person march on Minneapolis’ Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, demanding that a house the community cleaned up for a single mother and her children be donated to the community.

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