Friday, March 29, 2013

Number 109

Kentucky's 109th sacrifice to the bottomless maw of Permanent War is 26-year-old Sgt. Michael C. Cable of Philpot, in Western Kentucky.

 Soldier Killed

From the Associated Press:
Cable died Wednesday from injuries sustained when his unit was attacked by enemy forces in Shinwar District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.

Cable was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell. He had joined the Army in 2007.

He had been a cross-country star at Daviess County High School in Owensboro a decade ago and attended Berea College, according to the Messenger-Inquirer newspaper of Owensboro (
It's been ten months and 15 days since Kentucky's last Iraq/Afghanistan casualty. That's the longest stretch between deaths since the first, in September 2003.

How many more?  

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1 comment:

  1. Any soldier that loses his life while serving in combat is a loss to family, friends, and this country. They should never be forgotten. However, don't pity them either. Most of us realize what military service entails when we voluntarily sign up. We do it for varying reasons, but we do it on our own nonetheless. Honor the fallen with the life they lived, and not just question why people die in war, regardless of the reason. These are good men. The finest this nation has ever produced in my opinion. God bless them all.
