Thursday, March 14, 2013

No, Not Hateful At All

Because murdering people for their political beliefs is so very funny. Also something the Founders totally loved.

Steve M:
UPDATE: Right-winger makes a funny.
Erick Erickson ✔ @EWErickson

That lefties are accusing the new pope of handing over lefties to the right wing junta for execution makes me adore the new pope.

8:01 PM - 13 Mar 13
There are no words.

This is not some isolated whacko with no audience. This is one of the most popular and respected commentators of the Reichwing. And this disgusting, anti-American, inhumane tweet will not only not hurt his career, it will enhance it.
This is who the repugs are. Every single motherfucking, hateful one of them.

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