Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kyians vs. Paul and McConnell on Guns

No, they don't represent us on guns any more than they represent us on budget cuts or taxes or civil rights or renewable energy or drugs or anything else.

Just to recap: Mayors Against Illegal Guns did a heap of local polling --21 statewide polls, 41 congressional districts -- to gauge attitudes about gun issues like background checks. Then they looked up the NRA ratings for senators and representatives in the congressional districts they polled. (It takes a membership to see the NRA grades but the New York Times recently published them in a map.) The poll results show overwhelming support for background checks for gun purchases, but the NRA opposes background checks. So the idea is that if a member of Congress has a good NRA grade, their stance is more aligned with the NRA than their own constituents.

The full set of results is available as a pdf and was meant for use as a full-page newspaper ad. If you were hoping for a more shareable image file, they have this tiny-but-still-readable jpg version. They've also got all of the results broken down by the states and districts they polled.
Kentucky results: Paul and McConnell each have A rating from the NRA - meaning they oppose the slightest attempt to prevent gun massacres - while 82 percent of Kentuckians support background checks.

I haven't asked her personally, but I'm pretty sure Ashley Judd stands with Kentucky's 82 percent.

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