Saturday, March 23, 2013

Kentucky Democrats Already Self-Destructing Against McConnell

If you set out to destroy the Kentucky Democratic Party, you couldn't do it more effectively than the KDP is doing to itself.

Joe Sonka at Leo's Fat Lip:
LEO Weekly has learned from multiple Democratic sources that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is now applying the brakes to their once all-in support of Ashley Judd as the challenger of choice against Sen. Mitch McConnell in 2014. While not ready to abandon Judd, they are now taking a serious second look at recruiting Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.
David Atkins at Hullabaloo on why that's the path to self-destruction:
The point is that from now until 2022, Democrats are going to have a difficult decision to make. The country is on their side on nearly every issue of importance and controversy. But to win the seventeen House seats it will take to wrench the gavel out of John Boehner's hands may require Democrats to water down their brand and take unpopular conservative positions out of step with the American people.

Democrats can choose to spend the next 9 years chasing Republicans to the right in the hope of knocking out a few Michele Bachmanns. Or Democrats can spend that time painting conservative Republicans farther and farther into a corner, potentially taking the House over the next four to six years, with a view to an overwhelming knockout blow after redistricting in 2020.

It's a difficult choice. Republican cheating via the gerrymandering process certainly makes the Rahm Emanuel decision more attractive. And the experience of the wrecking ball that is the GOP House just these past few months makes the prospect of nine more years of similar gamesmanship almost unthinkable.

But chasing the Republicans to the right is a fool's errand. Playing politics that are deeply unpopular and harmful public policy on a national level in order to win over a few abnormally conservative districts will weaken the brand and deflate the base such that victory will not be possible. On the other hand, as with the immigration debate and even possibly the gun debate, pushing the Republicans farther off the brink of unpopularity may force them into the moderating ground on a number of fronts, whether or not they continue to hold the House.

It will be difficult, but the right choice for America and for the Democratic Party lies in holding popular ground and not shifting rightward for the sake of a few outlier districts. Even if it means giving up already vain hope of retaking the House in 2014.

Allison Lundergan Grimes is a good little Blue Dog who will do everything the Wall Street Big Boyz tell her to do.  She won't upset the Kentucky conservadem apple cart.

Ashley Judd is a Proud Liberal who's not afraid to say what she thinks. The Boys in Frankfort, DC and Wall Street have no hold on her. If she does what none of them can do - beat McConnell - they'll be humiliated forever. They'd rather McConnell win than lose to Judd.

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