Sunday, March 24, 2013

It's Not Just Money That Makes the Rich Dangerously Different

It's not just that they have the opposite opinions from the rest of us on what's important for the country, it's that they use their billions of dollars to buy a government that will do what they want and fuck the rest of us.

I wrote about this some time back, but it's worth repeating:

Josh Holland at Alternet notes:
One especially significant difference between the opinions of the wealthy and the population as a whole centers on deficit reduction. According to a study cited by Demos, “87 percent of affluent households believed budget deficits were a 'very important' problem, the highest percentage of all listed perceived problems.” Jobs and education, which rank at or near the top of most Americans' list of priorities, were “a distant second to budget deficits among the concerns of wealthy Americans.” 
According to an exit poll conducted after the 2012 election, 59 percent of the public rated the economy as the country's number one problem, while only 15 percent cited the federal budget deficit. But as the Demos report notes, “the affluent [not only] participate more in civic life; they also have greater influence over public policy.”
There you have it.

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