Tuesday, March 19, 2013

If Your Invisible Sky Wizard is Protecting Us, What Do We Need With Homeland Security?

If that's really what you think, you freakazoid motherfuckers in the Kentucky General Assembly, then close down that next of Chuck Norris wannabees in the state Department of Homeland Security and give the money to a department that can put it to good use, like the recently gutted Department of Child Protection.

From the AP
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to take up a challenge to a reference to "Almighty God" in Kentucky's homeland security law.

The high court on Monday rejected the case without comment.

The order came seven months after the Kentucky Supreme Court made a similar decision in a lawsuit brought by the group American Athiests.

The plaintiffs had claimed in a 2008 suit that the law was a violation of constitutional bans on state-sponsored religion.

The Kentucky Court of Appeals upheld the law and said the reference is made to "a generic 'God'" and doesn't "seek to prefer one belief over another."

The controversy arose because of two related laws passed in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
That would be one law that declared that protection from terrorism in the Commonwealth is dependent on the whims and wild hairs of an invisible sky wizard in the sky, and another law mandating that precise idiocy be displayed on a plaque in the lobby of the Department of Homeland Security.

Those Bronze Age desert goat-fuckers have a shitload to answer for.

But not as much as the five Dark Ages motherfuckers on the Supreme Court who just eliminated the Constitutional Separation of Church and State.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/03/18/2563122/us-supreme-court-declines-ky-god.html#storylink=cpy

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