Thursday, March 7, 2013

How Democrats Are Trying to Sabotage Ashley Judd

Attention Democrats who are freaking out over Ashley Judd having exposed her boobs in a movie:

Yes, they are quite nice. Worth rewinding the DVD for. But no, they will not lose her any votes. They will probably gain her a few, especially among women who are sick and fucking tired of men equating naked boobs with foolishness and/or prostitution.

That's because the Kentuckians who would hold Judd's movie career against her are people who are never going to vote for a Democratic candidate for any office, for any reason, on this planet or any other, ever.

Let me repeat that while metaphorically beating you over the head with a mallet: Kentuckians who wouldn't vote for Judd because she got nekkid in front of a camera, or because she calls out Big Coal for the miner-killing motherfuckers they are, or because she's a proud liberal who learned her liberalism growing up in Eastern Kentucky are ... wait for it ...  

people who are never going to vote for a Democratic candidate for any office, for any reason, on this planet or any other, ever. Never, Never, NEVER.

The biggest, stupidest, most fatal mistake Judd could make is to accept Democrats' advice to recant the very passions that make her so beloved in Kentucky, and I don't mean the Cats.

Just four months ago, four-term incumbent Ben Chandler lost to a repug in a congressional district that was made more Democratic in redistricting Why? Because Chandler ran as repug-lite. Democratic voters sat at home rather than support a piece-of-shit DINO who doesn't share their values.

Cowardly DINO Jack Conway lost to the Tribble-Toupeed One in 2010 for the same reason. Corrupt Corporate DINO Bruce Lunsford lost to McConnell in 2008 for the same reason. Democratic voters sat at home rather than support a piece-of-shit DINO who doesn't share their values.

Judd does share the liberal values of Kentucky's Democratic voters. They will turn out in droves for her because of those liberal values. They will give her all the votes she needs to beat Mitch McConnell and more ... IF she ignores the self-destructive advice of party consultants in Frankfort and D.C. to run as just another worthless repug-lite coward like Chandler, Conway and Lunsford.

From the Herald:
Yanarella said Democrats clearly see Judd as their best chance of defeating McConnell, though he said she would need to get the focus off of her well-documented political views and onto McConnell's record.
There are people in this state old enough to drink who weren't yet born the last time a Democratic candidate won a U.S. Senate seat in Kentucky (Wendell Ford in 1992, and he was an 18-year incumbent.)

Everybody since then who's been giving Democratic candidates advice to run away from their Democratic values needs to shut the fuck up right now.

Ignore them, Ashley. Listen politely, smile, thank them, then go out and win this race the way you know you can win it: by being yourself.

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