Friday, March 15, 2013

Democrats, Ur Doin It Rong

Steve M on Senate Dems missing a big, fat, slow pitch over the plate from Ted Cruz:

If the right is going to continue generating cockamamie ideas at its current furious pace and disseminating them relentlessly through all available means (everything from Fox News and talk radio to your uncle's e-mail forwards), and if the mainstream press is going to continue to treat the party of these ideas as a serious and responsible partner in governance, and if this party is still going to continue to win plenty of elections and control much of the government, then Democrats have to be able to refute this cloacal tsunami of bad ideas on their own terms. If a guy like Ted Cruz is going to go all "constitutional" on Dianne Feinstein, then she and her fellow Democrats need to know precisely how to throw the way the Constitution has actually been applied in the real America (as opposed to Tea Party Fantasy America) back in Cruz's face.
Otherwise, we're going to wake up one day with Ted Cruz as President Rand Paul's first Supreme Court appointment. And low-information heartland America will have no idea why anyone would have a problem with that.

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