Saturday, February 9, 2013

Your State is More Like Mississippi Than You Think

Kentucky's repug-majority Senate just took a couple of giant steps closer to Mississippi with two fetus-worshipping, women-are-incubators bills. With monster budget work looming, don't count on the "Democratic" House to reject them.

Unless you live in Oregon, your state denies the humanity and sentience of its female population by placing restrictions on abortion.  If you're lucky, the restrictions are not as numerous or onerous as they are in Kentucky. Which are nowhere near as onerous as they are in Mississippi or North Dakota, not that assholes in the General Assembly are doing their damndest.

Wonder just what the abortion restrictions are in your state?Wonkblog has a handy-dandy interactive chart:
Roe v. Wade guaranteed abortion as a legal right across the country. A separate decision two decades later, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, guaranteed states’ rights to limit access to abortion, so long as it did not pose an “undue burden” on the woman.

States have, over the past four decades, made no short use of that latter right. Only one state, Oregon, has not layered additional restrictions on top of the Roe decision. At the other end of the spectrum is Oklahoma: With 22 abortion restrictions, it has more than any other state. The chart below, courtesy of Remapping Debate, has the full list. You can also go here for an interactive version of the graphic, which will let you look at what type of restrictions each state has set.
 Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog thinks what's regulation for the goose should be regulation for the gander:
Steph Herold @StephHerold
Let's regulate guns instead of abortion. 24 hr waiting periods before purchase, parental consent, mandatory viewing of gunshot wound videos
And while we're at it, since right-wingers like "heartbeat bills" so much, how about one for guns? If you want to buy a gun, we check your pulse. Then you look at the gun. While you're looking and holding it and checking it out, we take your pulse again. If it races so much we can tell you're head over heels in love -- sorry, you're too emotionally unstable regarding that weapon. You can't have it.
 Abortion. On. Demand. No questions asked, no restrictions, free of charge, available on every street corner Abortion On Demand.

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