Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Internet Alternative to State-Mandated Rape

Yep, Kentucky's State-Mandated Rape bill is back, thrown by the repug senate to the dem house in hopes one day it will stick.  As it will if you don't raise hell about it.

(And yes, requiring an "ultrasound" before an abortion is, indeed, state-mandated rape because it requires a doctor to penetrate a woman without her permission with a medically unnecessary object. Belly-rubbing ultrasounds are useless in the first trimester.)

Because the goal isn't healthcare; the goal is shaming the sluts:

Even though telemedical abortion services — which allow doctors to consult with their patients over a video conference and prescribe the RU-436 abortion pill remotely — can help expand reproductive care to women who wouldn’t be able to access it otherwise, abortion opponents are scaling a coordinated attack against the new technology. Decrying “webcam abortions” as an unsafe medical practice, despite the significant evidence to the contrary, anti-abortion lawmakers are increasingly advocating legislation to outlaw it. Here are five facts to keep in mind as the anti-choice community gears up for this fight:

Melissa Harris-Perry nailed it last Friday on Rachel's show:
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