Monday, February 25, 2013

The Debt Scam Con Artists

Austerity hysteria, entitlement "fixes," debt fearmongering: you'll be stunned to learn they all derive from the same source of lies.

His most recent creation, Fix the Debt, is a scam. And the Center for Media and Democracy have done what the Village media should have done a long time ago if they wren't so in thrall to Peterson and his plans for ritual human sacrifice: put together a dossier on the man:
Today, CMD is pleased to unveil -- in partnership with The Nation -- a new resource on the Campaign to Fix the Debt for the public and the media, that exposes the leaders, the Peterson-funded partners, the phony state chapters, the lobbyists and the stunt men (who convinced Alan Simpson to dance Gangnam Style) behind this massive PR effort.

This package includes:

Lisa Graves, Pete Peterson's Long History of Deficit Scaremongering, The Nation.

John Nichols, The Austerity Agenda: An Electoral Loser, The Nation.

Dean Baker, Fix the Debt's Fuzzy Math, The Nation.

Mary Bottari, Pete Peterson's Puppet Populists, The Nation.

Fix the Debt Astroturf Supergroup Portal Page

Fix the Debt's Leadership

Fix the Debt Leaders' Conflicts of Interest
More here.

This is a great resource.  I urge you to use it by sending the link and some notes to every media parrot who screeches that the sky is falling if we don't "deal with the deficit" immediately. We've got almost 8% unemployment in this country and it's not getting any better. And our grandchildren really are under a looming threat that none of these people could give a damn about --- climate change. This entire conversation is an absurd misdirection by disaster capitalists who are determined to re-order our society to their advantage --- and the wealthy elites who want so badly to believe them.
In a recession, the only debt problem is not having enough. In a recession, the only spending problem is not spending enough. In a recession, the place to look for the nation's wealth is in the offshore accounts of the obscenely rich people who stole it from the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you totally and in addition. The whole notion of debt is a tool that the elite used to control the Masses. The Elite forgive debt and apply debt at their discretion.

    Do you really believe the Congressional Budget Office?

    A Department (Congressional Budget Office) that was created at the end of the RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON Adminstration

    The Stock Market is a inside game with Black Pool, Iceberg Transactions.
