Sunday, February 3, 2013

Suicide By Anti-Tax Propaganda

Either this poll questioned only Galtian frauds or Kentucky Democrats have got some major public education to do.

Tom Loftus at the Courier:
Kentuckians overwhelmingly oppose raising taxes — even if means fewer government services and programs, according to The Courier-Journal Bluegrass Poll.

The poll of 609 registered voters, conducted by SurveyUSA, found that 69 percent said it is not time to raise taxes to restore state program cuts, compared with 20 percent who said they’re willing to pay more.

The margin of error on whether it is time for a tax increase was plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.

In response, Gov. Steve Beshear, who has been pitching tax reform during recent interviews and speeches across the state, said in an emailed response that the poll question belies the complexity of the issue.

“Tax reform is not simply a question of restoring funding to state services,” he said. “Nor does it mean a blanket increase of taxes to raise more revenue.”
Democrats might start with these charts from the Intittute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

They show that Kentucky's poor, working class and middle class pay 9.1 to 10.9 percent of their income in state and local taxes, the rich pay 5.7 percent.

The point Democrats must hammer home is that Kentucky's workers are paying far too much to carry Kentucky's parasitic rich, who pay far too little.

Raise taxes on the rich; lower them on the non-rich.

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