Friday, February 1, 2013

Rand Paul Even Stupider Than You Thought

Or he thinks you are even stupider than that.

Steve Benen:
Last week, during a Senate hearing on the Benghazi attack, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a deeply strange question: "[I]s the U.S. involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?"

Clinton, confused, said, "To Turkey?" Paul insisted this story has "been in news reports." The Secretary of State said she didn't have "any information on that" and the hearing moved on.

But it was hard not to wonder what in the world the Republican senator was talking about. Today, the kooky conspiracy website World Net Daily published a new report, explaining that Paul believes the Obama administration may be "covering up a gun-running scheme in Benghazi that fell apart when jihadists attacked the U.S. mission there."
In an interview with WND, the senator said his "suspicion, although I don't have any proof, is that guns were being smuggled out of Libya, through Turkey and into Syria."
I have a few follow-up questions for Rand Paul. First, if you "don't have any proof," what on earth are you talking about? Second, why do you keep falling for silly conspiracy theories?

Third, why is a sitting U.S. senator talking to a fringe website like World Net Daily?
Because facts and reality are hard. And boring. And too much work. So much easier and more fun to just fling shit around.

On second thought, the Tribble-Toupeed One is not as stupid as he is just bone lazy.

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