Thursday, February 14, 2013

No, Jack: Jeebus Isn't Going to Get You Elected Governor

American Atheists aren't letting Kentucky off the hook of their freakazoid stupidity. And if Attorney General Conway thinks defending homeland security in the name of babby jeebus is going to get him the freakazoid vote, he's even dumber than his brief makes him sound.

The Kentucky office of Homeland Security is being sued by American Atheists and others for the absurdity of a statement on a plaque and their training materials that the “safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God” — that statement just fills you with confidence in their competence, doesn’t it? Splattering an official document with testimonials to your failure to cope except by closing your eyes and praying is not something I want to see from people responsible for my security.

The state Attorney General has responded, and no, I am not reassured or confident that we’re dealing with grown-ups anymore. The gist of his arguments that this is not a problem of church-state separation is that:
  1. Denial! State security has a secular purpose, so this isn’t really a religious claim.
  2. Evasion! They aren’t making anyone swear an oath, so it’s OK.
  3. Contradiction! While there may be a mingling of religion and government (? See statement 1), you can assess the statute while pretending it doesn’t have a religious component.
That’s in a petition to the Supreme Court defending the right to rely on their god. I’d say it doesn’t have a chance, except…SCALIAAAA!

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