Friday, February 8, 2013

No Billionaires, Either

jesusfuckingchocolatecoveredchristonapogostick, why not just put the Koch brothers in charge of everything?
Susie Madrak at Crooks and Liars:

Penny Pritzker, union buster.

Penny Pritzker, sub-prime lender who drove Superior Bank into the ground.

Penny Pritzker, Chicago Board of Ed members who thinks your children only deserve enough education to make them a member of the workforce.

Penny Pritzker, billionaire tax dodger.

Penny Pritzker, potential Secretary of Commerce nominee? Is this a joke?

Chicago businesswoman Penny Pritzker has emerged as a leading candidate to serve in the administration of President Obama, for whom she has long been a campaign supporter and top fund raiser.
Be sure to watch the video, it's great.
Again, this country is teeming with talented, experience, enthusiastic leaders of government agencies and non-profit organizations who understand and embody the meaning of public service. Obama's billionaire fundraisers and Wall Street buddies are not among them.

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