Sunday, February 24, 2013

No, Andrew, Abortion Is Not Your Bargaining Chip

Probable 2016 presidential candidate Andrew Cuomo is still scrambling to cover his subservience to Wall Street with liberal culture war moves.

From Firedoglake:
NY Democratic Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo “is putting finishing touches on legislation that would guarantee women in New York the right to late-term abortions when their health is in danger or the fetus is not viable.”
Don't fall for it. The biggest obstacle to progressive legislation on all issues, including abortion, is the money influence of the financial industry.

We know who owns the repugs, and know what to expect from them as a consequence.  Far more dangerous are the Democratic politicians whose social liberalism hides their eagerness to betray the working class.


  1. You write "The biggest obstacle to progressive legislation on all issues, including abortion, is the money influence of the financial industry" and decry "the Democratic politicians whose social liberalism hides their eagerness to betray the working class."

    Both remarks are dead-on. Unfortunately, the ranks of such Democrats are growing- and they generally are the toast of the mainstream media. President Obama is among them but less so than Cuomo or such fans of private equity as Bill Clinton, Cory Booker, and Ed Rendell. And what applies to abortion applies doubly to Cuomo's signature issue, same-sex marriage.

  2. You write "The biggest obstacle to progressive legislation on all issues, including abortion, is the money influence of the financial industry" and decry "the Democratic politicians whose social liberalism hides their eagerness to betray the working class."

    Both points are dead-on. The ranks of such Democratic politicians, unfortunately, and include such media darlings as Bill Clinton, Cory Booker, and Ed Rendell.

    Your statement would have been even more potent, though, if you had added- following the word "abortion"- the phrase "same-sex marriage," not coincidentally Andrew Cuomo's signature issue.

  3. You write "The biggest obstacle to progressive legislation on all issues, including abortion, is the money influence of the financial industry" and decry "the Democratic politicians whose social liberalism hides their eagerness to betray the working class."

    Both points are dead-on. The ranks of such Democratic politicians, unfortunately, are growing and include such media darlings as Bill Clinton, Cory Booker, and Ed Rendell.

    Your statement would have been even more potent, though, if you had added- following the word "abortion"- the phrase "same-sex marriage," not coincidentally Andrew Cuomo's signature issue.

  4. Your remark "The biggest obstacle to progressive legislation on all issues, including abortion, is the money influence of the financial industry" and decry "the Democratic politicians whose social liberalism hides their eagerness to betray the working class."

    Both comments are dead-on. The ranks of such Democratic politicians, unfortunately, are growing and include such media darlings as private-equity enthusiasts Bill Clinton, Cory Booker, and Ed Rendell.

    Your statement, though, would have been even more timely and powerful had you added, following the word "abortion," the phrase "and same-sex marriage.
