Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My FIrst Amendment Trumps Your Second Amendment

Digby, on the tiny-dicked assholes swaggering around the Oregon capital with loaded weapons, daring anybody to open their liberal mouths:
I'm fairly sure these protesters understand very well why average people fear the proliferation of guns or they wouldn't carry their guns to a political rally, an act obviously designed to intimidate the opposition. After all, like any other Americans they could protest these gun laws without carrying loaded guns. They could carry signs, they could march around, they could occupy a building or participate in civil disobedience, which requires that one submit oneself to the law. But they don't. They carry loaded guns to protests and political events. And that means these protests and political events are not opportunities for people to freely debate and disagree. After all, protests and political events are by their nature often contentious, angry and emotional. When one side is armed with automatic weapons, I think the other side can be forgiven for being reluctant to engage them.
That is obviously not what was intended by our bill of rights. Basically what these folks are saying by arming themselves in this political context is, "nice little First Amendment right you have there. Go ahead, make my day."

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