Thursday, February 7, 2013

Massie Votes in Favor of Childhood Diseases

Get used to it: teabagger tommy is determined to out-crazy the Tribble-Toupeed One with as many votes as possible against progress, not to mention facts, science, reason and humanity.

Down with Tyranny:
And, sure enough, they were among the 27 Republicans who distinguished themselves Monday as the only Members of the House to vote against Lois Capps' H.R. 225, National Pediatric Research Network Act of 2013, amending the Public Health Service Act to provide for a National Pediatric Research Network for to pediatric rare diseases.
But what about the newbies and the quiet-but-deadly freaks coiled up like rattle snakes waiting to attack? It's bills like this one-- widely considered non-controversial-- where the real crazy comes to the fore, with yelling and screaming and rending of garments in the name of "religious liberty" and bizarre conspiracy theories and black helicopters. Here's where you'll meet gratuitous kooks like Florida freshmen Trey Radel, a Hate Talk Radio host, and Ted Yoho, who insists Americans have a right to heavy duty military equipment in case the U.S. Army decides to go all tyrannical and… take away our guns or something. It's almost unimaginable that voters could take a look at these people and elect them to represent them. This is the full list of the 27 Republicans who voted in favor of childhood diseases Monday:


Thomas Massie, R-KY4

Shit, not even Brett Guthrie of the blood-red Second voted with Massie on this one.

Thanks again, stay-home Democrats of Kentucky's Fourth District.

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