Friday, February 15, 2013

Just How Stupid Are Kentucky Dems?

This stupid.
Actress Ashley Judd’s movement toward a Senate run against Minority Leader Mitch McConnell makes Democrats in Washington, D.C., happy.

But back in Kentucky, for many Bluegrass State Democrats, a potential Judd run brings a different feeling: heartburn.

“If she runs, I think that it would be a catastrophe for a lot of downballot races in Kentucky,” said Jimmy Cauley, a longtime Kentucky Democratic strategist who doesn’t believe Judd can win a general election. Among Democratic state legislators, he said, “there is significant worry about Ashley being on the ballot.”

Democrats plugged into the Frankfort, Ky., zeitgeist publicly and privately confirmed those sentiments. The crux of their worry is this: As a celebrity and strong supporter of President Barack Obama, Judd’s position at the top of the ticket could nationalize state and local races. They see her losing the Senate contest — an uphill climb for any Democrat — and potentially poisoning the conservative brand of some state Democrats.
Jesus fucking christ where to start? The feeling those dems are getting is not heartburn; it's shrunken testicles. There's not a penis-person in the state with a chance in hell of beating Mitch and they know it.  If a person in possession of a vagina does it, every penis is the state is going to shrivel right up and die.

Secondly, dems are in deep trouble in the legislative races next year, but not because Judd leading the ticket will remind everybody of That Ni**er in the White House. Dems are in serious danger of losing the state House because with a handful of exceptions they are worthless pieces of repug-lite shit who don't deserve a single Democratic vote.

Really, guys - and of course they're all guys - just who do you think has a better chance than Judd?  Three-time loser Dan Mongiardo? Jack Conway, who lost to the Tribble-Toupeed One? Ben Chandler, who lost to a repug after his district became MORE Democratic?

Secretary of State Allison Lundergan Grimes could give Mitch a run for his money, but only because her Daddy is tight with the Big Dog. But that's another vagina-person the old white guys running the state "democratic" party don't want to think about.

Face it, boys: Judd's your only chance of beating Mitch.  That she will also explode the Kentucky Democratic Party  right under your withered asses in the process is the price you will pay - and the sight the rest of us can't wait to see.

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