Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Is Matt Bevin Rich Enough to Primary Mitch?

I've never heard of this guy, but Louisville's not my regular stomping ground.

Attaturk at Firedoglake:
Human and Chelonii hybrid Mitch McConnell has narrowly survived many a bruising election campaign. But despite all of his anti-legislative skills his political career is in trouble.

A recent survey from Democratic firm Public Policy Polling revealed him to be the least popular senator in the nation
Ashley Judd is mentioned as a possible candidate for the Democrats in 2014, but one would think there will be a long-line of potential candidates for a seat that is so clearly competitive.

Oh, and of course, if there’s one group even less popular than McConnell it is this.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) could see a primary challenge from local businessman Matt Bevin, who sources say is reaching out to Tea Party groups in the state to gauge support for a 2014 Senate run.
Bevin is quite loaded too as he became rich the old fashioned way — he inherited it. If he can just avoid discussing wacky theories on the power of lady parts until after the primary, he may be quite a threat to McConnell.

So don’t look for Ol’ Mitch to be less of a right-wing jackass in the near future. He may soon out whine Lindsey Graham.
So far, Bevin's just a trial balloon. Mitchie-poo's gonna be a jackass regardless. I'm more curious about the effect a named primary nemesis for McConnell will have on potential Democratic candidates weighing their chances.

Will somebody try to get a jump on Judd by declaring early?

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