Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to Kill the Middle Class, in Five Easy Steps

No, it's not your imagination; they really are out to get you, and they're succeeding brilliantly.

Paul Buchheit at Nation of Change:
It's so artfully done, and so diabolical, that one can picture secret seminars in subterranean Wall Street meeting rooms, guiding young business recruits in the proven process of taking an extra share of wealth from the middle class. Their presentation might unfold as follows:
1.     Boost productivity while keeping worker wages flat.
2.     Build up a financial industry that has no maximum wage.

3.     Keep accumulating wealth created by the financial industry. 
4.     Tax yourself as little as possible.

5.     Lend out your excess money to people who can no longer afford a middle-class lifestyle.
So we're hanging on by the frazzled thread of debt that indentures us to the rich and makes it harder and harder to fight back against the theft of our middle-class wealth. As we struggle to support ourselves, the super-rich remain on the take, driving us ever closer to the status of being the most wealth-unequal country in the world.
  Read all the details.

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