Monday, February 18, 2013

Hemp "Hero" Hornback Pushing State-Mandated Rape

Stop celebrating Kentucky state senator Paul Hornback for sponsoring the industrial hemp bill (from which he, as a tobacco farmer who got a field burned by the feds after they found pot in it, stands to make a fortune) and get a gander at the "vaginal unltrasound" abortion bill he's pushing.

No, it's not jelly-on-the-belly mousing. It's forcing doctors to shove a 10-inch stick into a woman against her will. That's object rape and in Kentucky it's supposed to be a violent felony.

But the fetus-fetishists aren't satisfied with just slut-shaming and controlling women's bodies. No, the pro-life perverts can only get off by making their rape fantasies come true.

Joe Sonka does it justice:
But Sen. Kathy Stein — leader of the “Don’t Rape Women Twice” Senate caucus, along with Louisville’s Perry Clark, Denise Harper-Angel and young pup Morgan McGarvey — wasn’t about to let this bill pass without the other senators knowing exactly what they were voting for.

We can’t share the video on here — as KET’s web videos are made of technology from the late-90′s — but go here to see the video of Stein questioning bill sponsor Sen. Paul Hornback, from 10:22 to 22:40.

In her questioning, she gets Hornback to fully admit that there is no rape exemption in his bill, and that most abortions will require a doctor to use a transvaginal ultrasound, as 90 percent of abortions are in the first 14 weeks.

Hornback later attempted to backtrack, saying that not every abortion required the Kentucky Wand of Small Government Liberty, but 10 percent certainly ain’t much. Hornback also mentioned how the 24-hour waiting period is no big deal, because that is also required for men who want a vasectomy.

Stein was delighted to hear Hornback mentioned this, and added a follow up question:

“But are they forced to have a rectal exam?” asked Stein. “Which certainly goes along with male anatomy to determine whether or not the male genatalia, whether there are any issues there.”

Hornback gulped and answered in the negative.

“Well obviously that’s very invasive,” Stein countered. “And women have another area to invade, and that’s what I believe this bill does. I know it will pass, but I wanted to alert the committee and folks that things have changed since we first started this.”

But what hasn’t changed? Conservative men of both parties in Kentucky’s state Senate having no respect for the intelligence, privacy and rights of women.
Call or email your state representatives and tell them voting for this bill makes them rapists once removed.

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