Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fighting the Fight on Drones

You're gonna need to sit down for this one. There's a reality-based bill proposed in the House of Representatives and it's co-sponsored by not just a repug but a repug from - wait for it - Texas.

Kevin Gosztola at Firedoglake:
Legislation sponsored by two members of the House of Representatives has been introduced to regulate how the government uses drones. The legislation would require law enforcement to get a search warrant or some other kind of judicial approval for surveillance before using drones to investigate criminal wrongdoing. It would, however, allow drone use for fire and rescue missions, monitoring droughts, assessing flood damage or chasing a fleeing criminal.

The bill was introduced on February 13 by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a Demcorat from California, and Ted Poe, a Republican from Texas. The introduction was praised by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
“Unmanned drones must not become a perpetual presence in our lives, hovering over us, following us and recording our every move,” said Chris Calabrese, legislative counsel for the ACLU. ”Strict rules should govern the use of drones by the government. By requiring that law enforcement secure judicial approval before using drones, this legislation achieves the right balance for the use of these eyes in the sky.”
The ACLU noted the bill would also require all government agencies “register all drones” and the “results of criminal investigation involving the technology” would have to be “reported to Congress.” It also would reportedly prohibit law enforcement from arming drones.
 A bill's on the table. Let's fight this fight.

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