Thursday, February 7, 2013

Enough With the Fucking CEOs

There's a public and non-profit sector in this country just teeming with talented, experienced, enthusiastic public-service-oriented people who would make GREAT cabinet secretaries. Yet Obama insists on surrounding himself with corporate whores.

Edward Teller at Firedoglake:
The Obama administration has announced that they will nominate Recreational Equipment Inc. Chief Executive Officer, Sally Jewell, to replace Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior:

Jewell is an outdoor enthusiast with a conservation background. But she has a mechanical engineering degree and worked for Mobil Oil, now Exxon Mobil, in Oklahoma and Colorado for three years after college. She also spent 19 years in the commercial banking industry before she became an executive for REI.

Among the banks Jewell worked for was Washington Mutual, where she was employed when the financial institution was growing rapidly from local savings bank to sub-prime lending giant, gobbling up eleven smaller banks along the way.

While at WaMu, Jewell became an REI board member, and progressed up to CEO. I’ve read several favorable articles or member newsletters about her activities there.  
I don't care how wonderful she is - she's a corporate executive, and therefore a likely sociopath.

Look at the record:  The best Obama cabinet secretary by far is Hillary Clinton, who has devoted most of her life to public service and who has never been a corporate executive.

The worst Obama cabinet secretary by far is Tim Geithner, who has been a finance industry executive his entire shameful career, and who put his likely sociopathy to work fucking over tens of millions of homeowners in order to further enrich his obscenely wealthy criminal buddies on Wall Street.

Get your head out of the corporate suite, Mr. President, and find some Americans who will do you and the country proud.

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