Monday, February 11, 2013

Call Now to Save Kentucky Streams from Selenium

From Kentuckians for the Commonwealth:
Today (Monday, February 11) in Frankfort, a group of lawmakers will consider a rushed proposal from Kentucky’s Division of Water to significantly weaken the water quality standard for selenium pollution. This is a big deal. Your help is needed to stop this proposal in its tracks.

Selenium pollution in Kentucky is a serious problem below some valley fills and other areas affected by large-scale coal mining. Selenium is a toxic pollutant that has severe consequences for fish and other aquatic life, as well as for animals higher up in the food chain. Studies have found that selenium bio-accumulates, meaning that even low concentrations of pollution in streams can lead to toxic accumulation in animal tissues, causing severe reproductive failure, deformities and death in fish, birds and other wildlife.

Despite the clear harm posed by selenium, the Kentucky Division of Water is now attempting to significantly weaken its water quality standards for selenium pollution. The new standards are based on flawed science and would be effectively unenforceable. What’s more, the Division of Water gave the public only 6 days notice of the change.

At 1 p.m. on Monday in Room 149 of the Capitol Annex in Frankfort, a legislative committee will review the Division of Water’s selenium proposal. You can make your voice heard by placing two phone calls on Monday morning (and, of course, please join KFTC members and our allies in the committee room if at all possible).

1) On Monday morning starting at 7 a.m., call 1-800-372-7181 and ask to leave a message “for all members of the Administrative Regulation Review Committee.” Message: “Do not support proposed changes to Kentucky’s water quality standards for selenium. It is flawed, unenforceable, and lacks adequate public review. Ask the Division of Water to withdraw its proposal."

2) Call 502-564-0323 to leave a message for Bruce Scott, Commissioner for the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection. Message: “Please withdraw your agency’s proposal to weaken Kentucky’s water quality standards for selenium pollution. It is flawed, unenforceable, and lacks adequate public review."

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