Sunday, February 3, 2013

Beware Social Liberals Who Love Wall Street

Back when Democratic officials were the genuine and successful champions of economic equality and opportunity, the party of the middle class, its biggest weakness was social backwardness. Liberals had to drag the Democratic Party screaming and kicking to civil rights and social justice for African-Americans, women and gays.
But the more social progress we made, the more economic progress we lost. Democratic officials couldn't seem to walk and chew gum at the same time.
So now we're to the point that prospective Democratic presidential candidates - even more than actual Democratic presidents - are using social liberalism to hide their pro-wealth fealty to Wall Street. They're handing out gay marriage, gun control and marijuana legalization with one hand, and fucking the working class with the other.
Down with Tyranny:
For many non-New Yorkers the video above might have been their first look at 2016 presidential hopeful, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo. He sounds like a passionate progressive, taking on the extremist gun nuts and the NRA, right? Yes, but "sounds" is the key word in that sentence. Andrew Cuomo is anything but a progressive, passionate or not. He's figured out how to make high profile social issues-- like marriage equality and gun laws-- work for him but where it really matters most, Cuomo is another Wall Street-owned political hack serving the interests of the one percent, not the interests of ordinary working families. He's kind of the mirror image of the old time conservative Southern politician who crushed the aspirations of working families while yelling "Nigger! Nigger!" to make them feel he was on their side where it really counted.
 Don't fall for it. Gay marriage, gun control and legal pot won't count for much if we're all minimum-wage serfs at the mercy of the Wall Street lords.

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