Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Worst Confederate Traitors" Includes Rogers, Guthrie

Down With Tyranny names the "Worst Confederate Traitors" in Congress and Kentucky's own Hal Rogers (R-KY5) and Brett Guthrie (R-KY2) make the list.
But it's not fair to Candy Barr and Thomas "wholly-owned subsidiary of a teenaged texas billionaire" Massie who haven't had a chance to demonstrate their treasonous bonafides beyond their votes to deny federal disaster aid to devastated victims of Superstorm Sandy.
For more and more Republicans-- particularly the Southerners who now dominate the party-- there is a widespread view, both among the electoral base and those they send to Congress, that the federal government is the enemy. They may not be able to force a return to the Antebellum South (i.e., slavery), but that doesn't mean that in their hearts they don't want to give it a try again. Everything about the mindset is pure reactionary and even if it doesn't have the strength to win national elections, it does have the strength to screw up the nation with lockstep obstructionism. It's all about looking backward-- if not to before the freeing of their slaves, at least to before FDR enslaved them, in their warped, brainwashed minds, by forcing white people to pay for blacks to get Social Security and Medicare. Sounds ugly? That, in a sentence is what the Republican Party is today.

As you can see in the video above (Meet the Press on Sunday), the country's most prominent black Republican, Colin Powell, has noticed that his party is on the verge of sinking itself into oblivion-- at least outside of the Old Confederacy. The party, he asserts, has shifted significantly to the right since Reagan's day and it has "a dark vein of intolerance” running through it and “if they don’t change along with the demographics, they're going to be in trouble.”

Striking out blindly and angrily, a significant number of House Republicans-- and more than a few GOP senators-- now appear willing to allow the whole American edifice to collapse-- just like their ancestors-- who remained unpunished for their treason-- did in the 1860s.


there are dozens of Confederate obstructionists in the House Republican Caucus with lifetime ProgressivePunch voting scores of crucial issues that are less than 4.0 (out of 100). They are as opposed to America as any al Qaeda terrorist-- often for the same basic Bronze Age reasons-- and they will continue to do all they can to disrupt the smooth functioning of a government they see, basically, as an occupying power that confiscated their ancestors' slaves. The worst Confederate traitors in Congress (by the numbers):
 Read the whole thing.

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