Sunday, January 20, 2013

World Book Night: Apply Now for Free Books to Distribute

Have you ever read a book that made you want to give copies to everyone you know - even to strangers on the street - and urge them to read it?

Here's your chance, and you even get the books FREE. But you have to apply online by Wednesday.

One of my all-time favorite books, Population 485 by Michael Perry, is one of those books for me. I actually did buy and give away about a dozen copies, I loved it so much.

From Michael Perry:
It’s a privilege to have Population 485 included in World Book Night. The short version of how this works: You sign up to be a “book giver” and then you get copies of the book to hand out free. 

World Book Night organizers will provide the free books, and the book givers seek out light or non-readers, especially people who may not have access to printed books for reasons of means or geography. Book givers receive 20 free paperback copies of one World Book Night title, not too many to carry but enough to share with a good number of potential new readers (we know of at least one person who plans to hand out copies of Population 485 at the local fire hall to local EMTs, firefighters, first responders. The choice is yours—think creatively!).

Are you interested in becoming a World Book Night U.S. book giver? We ask you to fill out the World Book Night U.S. online application; click here to begin. You will be asked what your first, second, and third book choices are, why you wish to share these books, and where you will go to personally hand out the books. Apply by January 23, 2013. 

Thanks and see y'down the road.
 Sign up now.

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